Harkers Harka-Mectin



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SKU: 9410 Categories: ,


For pigeon use only. For the treatment of worms, lice and mites in homing, racing and exhibition pigeons.

*Treats external (lice and mites) and internal (roundworm and hairworm) parasites
*For use on racing, exhibition and homing pigeons
*Easy to apply, two drops under the feathers between the shoulders
*Suitable for pigeons only
*Active ingredient is Ivermectin

Active Ingredients:
Containing Ivermectin 0.35%w/v

Dosage Instructions:
Place 2 drops (200ug ivermectin) per bird onto the skin, under the feathers between the shoulders.
Use before the start of racing season.

Contra indications:
For pigeon use only.
Do not use during the main moulting season.
Do not use during the hatching period.
Do not use whilst young birds are in the nest.
Do not use this product on young birds less than 8 weeks of age.
Do not use this product in any species other than those named.

Serious reactions including deaths have been reported after the application of the active substance to dogs (especially Collies, Old English Sheepdogs and related breeds), including tortoises and turtles.

Avoid contact between the product and skin, eyes or mouth.
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after applying this product.